Mission Statement
The purpose of Bible Mission to Native Americans and Native Islanders is to minister to the spiritual needs of our Native People in all fifty states, plus the U.S. Possession Islands in the Pacific, and to “whosoever” desires spiritual Biblical guidance.
It is also the purpose of Bible Mission to Native Americans and Native Islanders to do so in the most efficient manner, reaching the greatest number of individuals every month, and doing so in the most cost efficient manner.
Thus, Bible Mission to Native Americans and Native Islanders does so through Gospel literature: with 15 to 20 thousand copies of “The CHIEFTAIN” mailed monthly. Each month’s mailings are made into a different area, until all areas are reached, and then a new issue is published.
By means of “The CHIEFTAIN” we evangelize. By means of Free Bible Correspondence Courses we disciple. Presently there are thirteen courses available. Anyone is welcome to enroll in the Bible courses.